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The KOKO Dance Academy Code of Conduct will help everyone enjoy their classes with us and ensure that students and parents/guardians are aware of the behavioural expectations.



Students must be respectful to both their teacher and to their classmates. KOKO Dance Academy aims to encourage children to try their best, be supportive of their fellow dancers and be friendly to everyone present.


Bullying behaviour, nasty comments, showing prejudices, swearing and answering teachers back is not acceptable and will result in a discussion with the parent and/or dismissal from the class.

We will discuss with parents any minor concerns which we feel needs to be addressed before it develops into a habit, if we feel that it is detrimental to the student, the teacher or others in the class.


At KOKO, we aim to support children in learning class room etiquette. Students must listen to their teacher during classes and they should raise their hand to ask a question, as they would at their school.


We do not allow children to sit on or play with any apparatus or other objects in the room, such as chairs and speakers to avoid accidents, breakages and injuries.


Uniform must be worn at KOKO with appropriate footwear. Hair should be tied back off a dancer’s face and jewellery, watches or smartwatches should be avoided.


To avoid disrupting the lesson, students are encouraged to go to the toilet before class commences and parents/guardians must take younger children to the toilet first.

All students must ask permission to go to the toilet before they leave the room and only one child at a time must go. If a teacher believes that a child does not need to go to the toilet and instead is using it to bunk off or because a friend has asked for the toilet, we may refuse the first request to go and ask them to let us know in 5 minutes whether they still need to go.


Students are welcome to bring a drink to the lesson, however they should wait for a designated drink break and should not stop what the teacher has instructed them to do to go and have a drink. This is a health and safety issue and we always ensure that children have had a drink during the session. Please ensure drinks are in a sealed bottle. KOKO is not responsible for providing children with a drink, if they have forgotten to bring one.


No chewing gym or eating is permitted during our classes. This is a health and safety issue.


Mobile phones must be put away on silent and are not to be checked throughout the class.





Everyone attending KOKO Dance Academy should be treated with dignity and respect at all times. We will not tolerate abusive behaviour or acts of harassment towards our teachers, verbal or otherwise. We will not tolerate physical abuse, intimidation, verbal abuse such as threats, swearing, personal abuse directed at our teachers or offensive remarks. This includes written complaints from customers which are abusive, threatening or harassing.


Continual rule breaking by children and/or adults will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal from KOKO Dance Academy.

Anti Bullying Policy


KOKO Dance Academy has established an anti-bullying policy which covers all students, parents and teachers registered with the academy. Our policy is an extension of our Code of Conduct, which covers expected behaviour. We have constructed this policy in line with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, the guidelines issued by the NEWB and using guidance from the Welsh Government Llywodraeth Cymru.


At KOKO Dance Academy we aspire to create positive relationships, nurture a family-like feel and a sense of team spirit. Our aim is to inspire confidence within our students and to support every individual in their personal development.


Any form of bullying, whether verbal, physical, psychological or cyber, and whether it may be a one-off, occasional or repeated is completely unacceptable at KOKO Dance Academy. We acknowledge the serious nature of bullying and how it can affect everyone negatively. All incidents of bullying will be taken extremely seriously and may result in the students and/or parents being asked to leave the school.

Bullying is the willing intent to hurt someone else, whether it by an individual or a group, repetitive behaviour or an isolated incident,  physically, verbally and/or digitally. Bullying can be:

  • Emotional

  • Physical

  • Racial, Homophobic, Sexist, Sexual or Transphobic

  • Verbal

  • Religious or Cultural Intolerance

  • Damage to property or theft

  • Cyber / Digitally

  • On the grounds of special needs, additional needs, disabilities and/or caring responsibilities


Negative behaviour that does not meet this definition of bullying but is out of line with our Code of Conduct will be dealt with. Furthermore, KOKO regards a one-off offensive or hurtful public message, image or statement on a social media network or other public forum as bullying behaviour and will not be tolerated.


Our Aims:

  • To achieve our ethos of an inclusive family-feel environment, promoting positive behaviour and an atmosphere of trust and open-mindedness.

  • Implement a consistent approach to managing behaviour, ensuring that there is an emphasis on preventing bullying and other negative behaviours.

Our Objectives:

  • Ensure that all teachers, students and parents have a comprehension of what bullying is and how they can raise a potential issue, should it arise.

  • Actively support the victim, the bully, families of those affected and classmates.

  • Encourage a culture of zero tolerance towards bullying by students, teachers/staff and parents.


If bullying is suspected:

Our teachers are observant to the behaviours of the students in the class and if it is deemed necessary, we will talk to the suspected victim, bully and any witnesses. We will endeavour to flag up any potential instances where bullying is suspected to parents of all the students involved. If an occurrence of potential bullying is reported to Keziah Watts, the principal, she will liaise with the parents involved to stop the bullying behaviour and begin an unbiased investigation with all parties involved. All incidents of bullying will be taken seriously and kept on file.

A fall out between friends is normal, albeit distressing for those involved and may result in a minor complaint of bullying. Parents may not be automatically informed on the first minor occurrence if the complaint is dealt with in a low-key verbal manner by the teacher during a class. Regardless, a record of this conversation shall be made, which may be referred back to, if the friendship fall out escalates.


Reporting Incidents

Should you need to report an incident of bullying, please send a report via email with the subject title as your child’s full name and “Report of Bullying”.  To successfully report an incident and avoid delay in dealing with the situation, please include all details regarding this particular event, with dates, approximate time and names of those involved. If the incident includes cyber-bullying, please attach any messages/images and other evidence necessary. A in-person meeting or telephone call can be arranged with the principal, however a written report is necessary for our reports. All reports are taken seriously.



Anti-Bullying Charities
as recommended by the Welsh Government

Bullies Out - An anti-bullying charity based in Wales. Their e-mentors offer online support (


Kidscape - An anti-bullying charity who provide children, families and professionals with advice and information to keep children safe


Children in Wales - a charity made up of a number of organisations and individuals who work with children, young people and their families in Wales to ensure that their voices are heard on issues such as bullying.


Helplines and Advice

Childline - a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. Call 0800 1111

Samaritans - a safe place for you to talk anytime. You can get in touch about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how large or small the issue feels. Call 116 123.


NSPCC - if you think that you or another child is in immediate danger, don’t delay - call 999 or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

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