What does KOKO mean?
Keziah’s family calls her Koko and what better way to dedicate her school to those who helped make it happen?
Where are your classes?
Llanrumney Hall and Eastern High School.
What is the minimum age?
The current minimum age is 2.
Can we just turn up to a class?
You need to book in advance via Class4Kids.
We are unable to accept walk-ins.
What shall my child wear for their first dance class?
Before purchasing the necessary uniform, we want to ensure your child is happy and settled. For the first 3 weeks, your child may clothing that is easy to move in, such as a t-shirt/vest top, leggings, shorts and joggers. We do require the correct uniform to be worn by week 4.
Where can I order the uniform from?
Currently, you are able to order and purchase uniform by contacting Keziah at KOKODanceAcademy@gmail.com. Please give at least a week for your order to be ready. Longer if it is a personalised item.
What is a trial class?
It is a taster session to meet us and see what it’s all about before signing up to become a member.
How much is the classes?
Please see our page on fees.
Can we pay as we go?
Payment is to be paid via direct debit on the 1st of every month, which is easy to set up via Class4Kids. If you join before the 1st, you will need to pay for the remainder of the month.
You will be invoiced by KOKO.